Convincing Others to Invest in Your Business

Lesson Plans - Convincing Others to Invest in Your Business

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How is Convincing Others to Invest in Your Business

Convincing Others to Invest in Your Business Video Clips. Duration : 41.57 Mins.

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Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away [Music Video]

Lesson Plans - Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away [Music Video]

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How is Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away [Music Video]

Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away [Music Video] Tube. Duration : 5.48 Mins.

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Care Bears - I, Robot Heart

Lesson Plans - Care Bears - I, Robot Heart

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How is Care Bears - I, Robot Heart

Care Bears - I, Robot Heart Video Clips. Duration : 13.22 Mins.

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Mind Your Own Business

Lesson Plans - Mind Your Own Business

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How is Mind Your Own Business

Mind Your Own Business Video Clips. Duration : 5.02 Mins.

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description keeping In Schools

Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans - description keeping In Schools

Good afternoon. Today, I discovered Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans - description keeping In Schools. Which is very helpful if you ask me and also you. description keeping In Schools

Over the years, Nigerian school administrators, especially, the lslamiyyah schools had paid Lip services to the permissible retention of records. All these schools do is plainly teach and graduate students. Any way as observed by Nti, (2000:12) in 1964, a headmaster of one traditional school in our neighboring Bauchi State was faced with one serious experience. A form containing many questionnaires about one of the old pupils of the school who was nominated to be appointed as the chairman of the Federal social aid Commissioner was given to him to complete. The pupil graduated many years before the headmaster even went to traditional school. Therefore, the headmaster did not know the man personally and did not know what to write about him.

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Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans

The only clarification ready to the headmaster was to turn to the school records. The school records showed the year the pupil was admitted, the year he passed out, the records of his good scholastic performance, records of every year prizes given to the pupil among others.

It was these records that helped the headmaster to correctly and accurately filled the form that assisted the someone to be successfully appointed.

Definition Of Concepts

School records keeping: This opinion agreeing to Nti (2000:12) is the history of the school kept systematically. This means that the systematic growth of the school at discrete points in time need to be thoroughly recorded and kept by school administrators. It is the authentic register of instruments of officials accounts of transaction or accurance which are preserved in the schools office (Olanrewaju 200S).

Aleiyideino Sc et al (202) defined narrative as a written statement about a happening. School narrative retention agreeing to these scholars are records that give a lot of information about the school that will enable the authority to take decisions and asses the develop of the school. Head of School shall refer to both head instructor and principal.

Student: It shall be used to refer to both pupils and students. These records agreeing to Dibu-Ojerinde,00 and Tukur(ed) (2005:21) classified school records into (a) Statutory Records (b) scholastic Records (c) Finance Records (d) Staff Record(e) normal Records.

Also linking Muslim schools to the class of voluntary agencies interested in educational development, Eke, et al (2000:46) explained that the Izalatil bid'a Wa Iqamatis Sunnah group, the Jama'atu Nasrul Islam, is the Islamic Trust of Nigeria (Itn) among others have contributed immensely not only to the improvement of instruction but also to permissible school records retention in Nigeria. Here cognitive and effective domains are very exhibited unlike social schools that deal with only cognitive domain.

It is in light of the above that we are going to discuss the classification of school records as listed by Dibu-Ojerinde 0.0 and Tukur follows:

A). Statutory Records

1. Admission Register

This is a register of admission, develop and seclusion of students, it should contain the following particulars about the admitted students.

(a) Admission whole (b) Name in full (c) Sex (d) Name and address of parent/guardians (e) Day Month and year of birth (f) old school attended (g) Last class read (h) Day, month, class, of admission (i) Records of develop (j) date of leaving school (k) think for leaving etc (1) change certificate number.

All the entries should be hand-written and corrections should be made in such a way that the traditional entry and the improvement are both clearly distinguished. It should be kept for not less than fifteen (15) years from the date of last entry.

2. Attendance Register.

This is register that is kept for each class containing the particulars in respect of every trainee until such trainee leaves the school. Students' regular attendance or otherwise can be traced here easily, it should contain (a) Admission whole (b) Name in full, sure name first etc.

3. Log Book.

This book contains records of leading events happening in the school. The history of the school can be compiled from this record. It should be kept under lock and key.

4. Visitors Book

This is a narrative showing names, address of all leading visitors to the school as well as the purpose of such visit.

5. Punishment Book

The instruction law permits only the head of school or his representative to enforce corporal punishment on erring students. A permissible reoord is kept containing (a) The name of the offender (b) The date of such punishment (c) The nature of offence (d) the someone who administered the punishment etc.

This narrative helps to protect the teachers against aggrieved parents. It can serve as discover for the school to trace the trend of such students.

6. instruction Law

The school should keep instruction Law with its regulations to support the school in operating in line with such regulations.

7 National course On Education

Each school must have a copy of the National course on Education.

8, Inspection narrative File

This is a narrative containing the reports of visits to the school by inspectors as it helps during follow-up inspections.

9. Staff Duty Book.

This is a narrative that shows a brief narrative of happenings in the school on daily basis. In secondary schools, the perfects also write daily narrative in prefect duty book.

10. Minutes Of Meeting Book

There should be a hard cover book to be used for recording of minutes of meeting for easy reference to the decisions taken in meetings.

B). scholastic Record

i) popular ,favorite copy of syllabus

ii) scholastic Syllabus files

1. popular ,favorite Syllabus:

Academic programme of institutions are based on popular ,favorite syllabus of the course to be run, it could be traditional school syllabus, Nti syllabus for teachers colleges, Waec/Neco syllabus etc. The school need a syllabus to follow.

2. Scheme Of Work

This is the aspect that breakdown the syllabus into teaching units. It is broken down into topics, carrying out objectives, etc. Lit has to be kept by every instructor to be marked and endorsed by the headmaster.

3. narrative Of Work Book

This aspect additional break down the Scheme of work into weekly records of what the instructor has taught. It should be kept by teachers and cheeked and endorsed by the headmaster.

4. Episode Note Book

One may call it Episode plan, it is like the site plan for the architect. It is ready so that you result it without forgetting a process. It reduces your energy of remembering the next step to do while teaching. It should contain topic, date, time of the day, period of the lesson, age, sex, and class. Others includes: aims and objective, old knowledge introduction, presentation appraisal and conclusion.

5. Marks Books

This is used in compiling continues appraisal (Ca) record. It is used to build up Ca as it is whether on weekly, fortnightly or monthly as the case may be.

6. Continuous appraisal Dossier/Report Sheet

Schools used C.A dossier for exam records for every student. Two copies are needed for a student, one for the school and another one for the student. It should contain cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the student.

7. School Time Table

This shows the daily activities of the school, class by class, period by period and the names of teachers handling them. It sums up the whole of period allocated to a branch and the whole of subjects arid periods taught by a instructor in a week.

8. Episode Attendance Register

It is kept by the class captain of each branch to be signed at the end of the period by teachers. It can cheek teachers who do not go to classes as and when due

9. change Certificate

This is in a booklet form issued to students who leave the school before getting to the final class. It helps both the school releasing the students and the schools receiving students.

10. Leaving Certificate

Unclaimed certificates testimonials etc should be kept under key and luck

11. Files For scholastic Records Of different branch Matters Need To Be Kept

C). Finance Record

The school needs list records such as:

i. Wage and cost voucher:- these are kept in labeled files to show Wage cost and other payments made in the school.

it School fees register:- It is kept to give the financial transactions in the school. It gives information about revenue and expenditure items. It promotes accountability and prevents corrupt and sharp practices.

iii. Fees receipts:- It is issued to students as they pay fees while the duplicates is kept for auditor and inspectors.

iv. Cash Book:- It shows the receipts and payments of the school.

v. Ledger Book:- It is used to narrative all the debit and prestige transacts of the school.

vi. Bank Reconciliation to Reconcile the School Transaction with the bank (to come into agreement)

vii. Stock Book:- It is used to keep the list of the landed asset and other assets of the school with liabilities shown.

viii. I.O.U Book:- This is used to aid short term financial aid to staff, payable on cost of salary.

D). Staff Records:

i. Staff Time Book:- This is for staff attendance, it shows the tune each staff come to school (late corners cab be authentically detected)

ii. Staff movement Book:- This is the narrative that indicate when staff move out of the school during school hours and when they returned.

iii. Staff Confidential Report: (Annual appraisal narrative Form-Aper Form) This is used for staff promotion and reward.

iv. Staff Files: Each member of staff should have a personal file, which contain the narrative of aid with permissible references.

v. Staff List:- List of staff suppose to be kept including the school organization.

vi. Files on branch matter in the accounts need to be kept

E). Ejgeneral Records:

A school also need the following records:

i. Parents Teachers association Minutes book

ii. Parents Teachers association list Book

iii. Board of Directors minutes Books

iv. Advice files and Box

v. instruction Book or Internal Circular File

vi. Correspondence Files on discrete Subjects

Importance Of narrative retention In The Schools

The importance of narrative retention in schools agreeing to Olgboye Cited in Olararenwaji I.T (2009:1) and Dibu Ojermde and Tukur (ed) (2005:27), include;

1. It tells the history of the school

2. It facilitates continuity in the school administration

3. It facilitates and enhance the provision of effective advice and counseling aid for students in the social career domains

4. Provides information needed on ex-students by higher and other linked institution and employers of labour for admission or placement.

5. Facilitate the contribute of information to parents or guardians for effective monitoring of the develop of their children in school or performance.

6. Provides data needed for planning and decision making by school authority

7. Provide' a basis for the objective appraisal of the state of teaching and learning in the school, including staff and students carrying out by supervisors and inspectors.

8. contribute information for the school community, the normal public, employers, researchers for the advancement of knowledge.

9. It ensures that the headmaster keeps strictly to the instruction regulations.

10. School records can be used as reference materials for both the teachers and the administrators.

Abuses Of School Records

Some time agreeing to Aleiyideino, Sc et a! (2000:79) some school abuse records retention by:

1. Non availability of records:- They do not keep such records and cannot produce same when the need arise.

2. Question of storage:- Some school have these records but are not properly stored agreeing to branch matter.

3. Ignorance on the part of head teachers:- Some head teachers are not even aware of the importance of records retention in school or how to even keep these records.

4. Poor administration by Head instructor or supervisor:- Some Head teachers do not keep records because no body ask for such records.

5. If the information given are false or incomplete, it cannot give us precise information needed.


This means that we must know the importance of retention records and with true and faultless information This will enable our schools to be up to date and sass to any quiz, or fill any form about our school without difficulties.


Olanrewaju, I.T (2008) importance of narrative retention In School" being Paper Presented to the group of Phe University of Ilorin Pp 1-10.

2. Aleiyideini, Sc et al (2002)"Record Keeping" in Nti (2002) School administration course Book On instruction pp 69-78

3. Eke E(2000)"School administration and Management" In Nti (2000) instruction Cycle 4. Pp 12-13

4. Dibu Ojerinde, 0.0 and Tukur, H (2005) "Record Keeping" Inspection by hand in Nti Pgde by Dls. Pp2 1-27.

Mal. Abdulkarim N. Bello
College Of Education, Jalingo
Taraba State, Nigeria.

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How to Solve Easy Math Word Problems

Exponents - How to Solve Easy Math Word Problems

Hi friends. Now, I found out about Exponents - How to Solve Easy Math Word Problems. Which may be very helpful to me so you. How to Solve Easy Math Word Problems

Frank Howard Clark said, "I think the next best thing to solving a question is seeing some humor in it." What Mr. Clark would like to carry with this is that the way to solving easy math word problems is by having fun with the problems. And in having fun with them, there are two easy steps in solving math word problems:

What I said. It just isn't the final outcome that the actual about Exponents . You check this out article for info on a person want to know is Exponents .


Step 1: Translate the words into a numeric expression or equation

Math word problems can be converted into a series of expressions or equations containing a mixture of mathematical expressions. To be able to translate these word problems you have to corollary these steps:

1. Read the question very well and in its entirety. Get the full perspective of the problem. Reading it in full will give you an idea of what the real question is.

2. List all the factors provided. Make a list of all the given variables together with units of estimation if available. Having all these data available will show you if you need to do any conversion like from miles to kilometers, pounds to kilograms, etc.

3. Define what needs to be answered. Be sure to know what you are seeing for or what the question needs to answer.

4. Develop your solution. Provide the procedures or steps you will take to find the retort to the problem. Showing the step-by-step procedure will help you track all the variables and expressions you are using.

5. Be aware of the key words. In translating and solving the problem, you should be aware of the basic key words in translating words into algebraic equations, such as:

Addition: added to, increased by, more than, sum of, total of, combined with

Subtraction: decreased by, subtracted from, less than, unlikeness of, reduced by, fewer than

Multiplication: multiplied by, times, product of

Division: divided by, quotient of, remainder of, percentage, ratio of, per

Certain key words recommend specific mathematical operations that should be done to the given factors or variables.

6. Plot the expression or equation. Plot the expressions or equation properly following the order of operations.

Step 2: Solve the mathematical equation

To solve a mathematical equation, corollary the order of operations by level:
compute first all those inside parentheses or the innermost expressions compute those with exponents, raised to a power or root of multiply or divide from left to right add or subtract from left to right

It would be easy to solve the equation by writing down the answers for each level before going to the next level. Here is an example:

X = ((2 * 3) + (32) + (20/4) - (2 * 6)) * 2 + (3 * 8) - (4 * 5)

X = ((6) + (9) + (5) - (12)) * 2 + (24) - (20)

X = (6 + 9 + 5 - 12) * 2 + (24 - 20)

X = (8) * 2 + (4)

X = 8 * 2 + 4

X = 16 + 4

X = 20

From the sample equation above you will the order operations that were followed in solving the equation.

With these two easy steps to corollary there is no need for you to just stop and stare and pray for divine intervention to be able to solve a math word problem! Now you can safely say that Math is easy and that it isn't hard to solve math word problems.

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Easy Guitar Songs - Play Knockin On Heavens Door

Lesson Plans - Easy Guitar Songs - Play Knockin On Heavens Door

The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Easy Guitar Songs - Play Knockin On Heavens Door.

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How is Easy Guitar Songs - Play Knockin On Heavens Door

Easy Guitar Songs - Play Knockin On Heavens Door Tube. Duration : 7.03 Mins.

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Sibling Rivarly? Microsoft access versus Excel

Worksheet - Sibling Rivarly? Microsoft access versus Excel

Good afternoon. Today, I discovered Worksheet - Sibling Rivarly? Microsoft access versus Excel. Which is very helpful if you ask me and you. Sibling Rivarly? Microsoft access versus Excel

Life is more complicated than ever. To construe my point, think the following example. Ten years ago when you needed to find a phone number, you would naturally go to the family junk drawer and grab "The Phone Book." Today, if you live in any major city or suburb you probably have a option of three or more brands of telephone directories divided into at least two volumes, residential and business, with one or the other containing the always-confusing government directory section. Or, you could use your computer to show the way any whole of internet searches and find the phone whole and a range of further facts that you may never need.

What I said. It just isn't in conclusion that the true about Worksheet. You check out this article for information on that need to know is Worksheet.


As life's choices continue to increase, so too will the level of complexity. Similar to the telephone whole dilemma, choosing either to administrate your data with Microsoft passage or Microsoft Excel can pose a similar challenge. Both products allow you to enter, maintain, manipulate, and print data. Both products, and their competitors, are relatively uncostly to purchase. So, which stock is better? The following facts available on the Microsoft stock Website should help you make the right choice.

Consider the phone whole scenario presented earlier. Rather than choosing in the middle of many phone directories, you've decided to build your own directory to store facts about your personal and expert contacts. You want to decree in the middle of a spreadsheet program such as Ms Excel or a relational database like Ms Access. How do you decree which program to use?

To be accurate, Excel and other spreadsheet software programs are not database administration systems (typically referred to as relational databases). Spreadsheet software market data in rows and columns called worksheets. The areas within the worksheet where the rows and columns intersect are called cells. The most coarse use of spreadsheets is to administrate basic facts such as telephone numbers, worker names, financial data, calculations, etc.

Access, and other relational database software programs store data in tables that look similar to worksheets but function quite differently. Tables, the foundation of all relational databases function both independently and interdependently with other tables to allow the database user to couple data from many sources and analyze and/or report facts in practically limitless ways.

Both programs work well for managing data, however, each one has clear advantages depending on the type of data you are managing and what you want to do with it. The key to your decision is either the data is relational or not. If you can store your data in a singular table or worksheet, then you can probably get by using Excel or some other spreadsheet software. If your data needs to be stored in more than one table, then you need a relational database program such as passage or a similar database administration program.

Continuing with the touch list example, if you are only going to store your contact's name, address and phone whole you may decree to use a simple worksheet using Excel or an additional one product. However, if you plan to store further facts such as personal information, hobbies, job information, gift buying history, networking details, etc., which may apply to more than one contact, you will probably want to use passage or an additional one relational database.

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Bleu Edmondson - Last Last Time

Lesson Plans - Bleu Edmondson - Last Last Time

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How is Bleu Edmondson - Last Last Time

Bleu Edmondson - Last Last Time Video Clips. Duration : 3.63 Mins.

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The content is good quality and useful content, This is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination WORKSHOP ATACA Y LA ALEMANA : BACHATA-2nd MAMBO RETRO CONVENTION 2010.


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Lesson Plans - The

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How is The

The Video Clips. Duration : 7.90 Mins.

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Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat. K'naan)

Lesson Plans - Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat. K'naan)

The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat. K'naan).

Do you know about - Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat. K'naan)

Lesson Plans! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Lesson Plans. You read this article for home elevators anyone need to know is Lesson Plans.

How is Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat. K'naan)

Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat. K'naan) Tube. Duration : 3.92 Mins.

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✔ Guide to Strafing and Keybinding

Lesson Plans - ✔ Guide to Strafing and Keybinding

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How is ✔ Guide to Strafing and Keybinding

✔ Guide to Strafing and Keybinding Video Clips. Duration : 6.18 Mins.

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The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination TECNICAS PARA LA MEMORIZACION.


Lesson Plans! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Lesson Plans. You check out this article for facts about that need to know is Lesson Plans.



I hope you receive new knowledge about . Where you can offer utilization in your everyday life. And most significantly. View Related articles related to Lesson Plans. I Roll below. I even have recommended my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share TECNICAS PARA LA MEMORIZACION.

Piano part Games for Kids Make Music learning Fun

Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans - Piano part Games for Kids Make Music learning Fun

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned all about Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans - Piano part Games for Kids Make Music learning Fun. Which may be very helpful for me and also you. Piano part Games for Kids Make Music learning Fun

Generally young children who enjoy educational activities such as reading, coloring, crafts and word games also enjoy playing the piano. One reason is because they enjoy doing things with their hands. Did you know that there are games and activities available like this for young children that will give them a musical foundation as well? If you plan to give your young child piano lessons or if your child is taking piano lessons they can advantage greatly from musical games and activities at home. There are many foundational keyboard abilities children can learn at home while having fun that will give them a musical head start in piano. Here's 5 of these.

What I said. It is not the actual final outcome that the true about Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans. You read this article for home elevators what you want to know is Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans.

Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans

1. Drawing and Visualizing the Piano Keyboard

2. Learning the musical alphabet in a collection of ways

3. Learning keyboard theory concepts for note reading

4. Learning to use their hands at the piano

5. Visualizing five-finger hand positions and finger numbers

This knowledge is not difficult to give your children at home. All you need are the right resources and of policy a keyboard. You'll be giving your child musical values and educational opportunities that will get ready them for a determined hereafter of learning. Piano lessons also help children learn

o key reading and math skills;

o how to set goals to achieve their dreams; and

o the need for self discipline and persistence; and

o how to take responsibility for their success. So take advantage of the early years and give your child even more of what they love to do with musical Learning games and activities they'll enjoy.

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List of Most illustrious Paintings

Exponents - List of Most illustrious Paintings

Good evening. Now, I learned about Exponents - List of Most illustrious Paintings. Which is very helpful in my opinion and also you. List of Most illustrious Paintings

Painting has been a hobby as well as work since very old times. This art evolved to great levels since the inception. Many techniques and styles assimilated into this art manufacture it more lovable to masses. Painters experimented with distinct themes, styles, textures, media but few of the experiments were approved by the art lovers. distinct cults in painting were established as a follow of these experiments. And these processes produced so many talented painters. These talented painters became the masters of the art in very short time. Though all the works which these painters made were exceptional in look, technique and accuracy but there are only a few works that have touched the hearts of the masses and left an indelible impact on the art lovers. These works have been liked by the people of all periods and are immensely famous.

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Great works are thousands but most are few. most works are revered by the masses as well as the exponents of art. Monalisa is an immortal art work made by Leonardo da Vinci. Monalisa has intrigued millions with her keen smile. The Melting Watches of Salvador Dali is an additional one hugely sublime art work. The list is no ifs ands or buts long. sublime paintings made in some distinct styles, media and time period are many and most of the times striking the judgment of the viewer as to which is the most of all.

Some of the most sublime paintings have been made by great painters of all times.
Here list is given of sublime paintings:

Ajanta Murals (Made by the painters under Vakataka Kings in India)

The Starry Night (Van Gogh)

The Last dinner and Monalisa (Leonardo da Vinci)

Madonna and Child

The Last Judgment (Michelangelo)

Impression, Sunrise (Monet)

The Old Guitarist (Picasso)

The Persistence of Memory (Dali)

To get data on sublime paintings and painters please visit Ethnic Paintings

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Musicians@Google: Vusi Mahlasela

Lesson Plans - Musicians@Google: Vusi Mahlasela

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Musicians@Google: Vusi Mahlasela Tube. Duration : 61.97 Mins.

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TYT - Extended Clip - February 14, 2011

Lesson Plans - TYT - Extended Clip - February 14, 2011

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TYT - Extended Clip - February 14, 2011 Tube. Duration : 36.98 Mins.

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IOMMI - I Go Insane

Lesson Plans - IOMMI - I Go Insane

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Elijah and His Cave

Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans - Elijah and His Cave

Good morning. Yesterday, I discovered Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans - Elijah and His Cave. Which may be very helpful in my experience therefore you. Elijah and His Cave

1 Kings 19 is one of the most marvelous chapters in the Bible. For the depressed and lonely it is a essential chapter, for it encourages a view of God as a nearnessy who loves in spite of what we do and what we are. It is a display of God's power, as well, and is similar to the rebuke God gave to Job when Job questioned and murmured (although given similar circumstances, how well would we have endured?). God answered Job out of the whirlwind (Job 38:1) as he sat on the dunghill with his friends, and He answered Elijah in the still small voice on Mount Horeb, as Elijah peeked out from the cave in which he sought to hide from the world in which he was so disappointed (1 Kings 19:12).

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Laws Of Exponents Lesson Plans

Even in discouragement God meets us where we are, either we have unwillingly and unwittingly landed on the heap of the rubbish and wreckage of life or we are hiding in a cave, away from what we realize to be an inhumane humanity. He knows either we need the whirlwind or the soft breeze to get us back on His track. God knows that we damage our compass of life now and then with the heat of our passions and the cold of our indifference. Our "sense of instrumentation" becomes faulty and we head in the direction of a living death. We need to get the sense of "mission and submission."

It is animated that Elijah, Moses and Jonah all requested that they be allowed to die. Listen to Jonah: "Now, O Lord, take away my life, for it is best for me to die than to live" (Jonah 4:3); Moses: "If this is how you [Lord] are going to treat me, put me to death right now" (Numbers 11:15); Elijah: "I have had enough, Lord, take my life; I am no best than my ancestors" (1 Kings 19:4c). Job's troubles drove him to cursing the day he was born: "May the day of my birth perish..." (Job 3:3a). His existence which was a joy before has now come to be his intolerable burden. It is good for us to know that God's many heroes had their moments of despair--and that there are some prayers God does not respond the way we would like.

It is also good to know that one of God's great heroes, Paul, said, "It is more essential for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this...I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith..." (Philippians 1:24,25). Paul wanted Paradise where the weary find rest, the sad find joy, the lonely find kindred spirits, the fearful find safe harbor, and the doubting Thomases and Thomasenas find assurance and reassurance.

But earthly claims checked Paul's desire, and check ours, also. He wanted to dissolve but instead resolved against his own wishes. Paul obviously had no fear of dying, but his eye and heart were singular to the glory of God and that meant staying in his earthly vessel for a while longer. In 2 Corinthians 4:16, Paul says, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." We are "treasures in jars of clay."

Paul also pleaded with God straight through earnest and continued prayer that an irritation be removed from his life. Paul did not take a fatalistic attitude about pain and suffering; he knew it was all right to ask God for its removal. "Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take [the thorn] away from me. But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made exquisite in weakness'" (2 Corinthians 12:8,9). So it is not wrong for us to plead with God to take off a sorrow or an annoyance from our life. Indeed, as our Friend, He expects us to ask Him so that we may receive. In the meantime, "I [Jesus] have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, progress your brothers [and sisters]" (Luke 22:32). His grace is His prayer for us. And there is a health which Paul understood, as well: after we are strengthened, we then are to encourage and inspire others: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can relieve those in any issue with the relieve we ourselves have received from God" (2 Corinthians 1:3,4).

Jesus asked His Father to be spared the cup when He knelt in agony in the Garden. He had told his disciples, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me" (Matthew 26:38). He wanted company in His agony. He asks them later, "Could you...not keep watch with me for one hour?" (v.40). What a loving rebuke! Yes, Jesus, the Man of Sorrows, was acquainted with grief. He even prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will" (v.39).

Jesus prayed to be spared death but He willingly died. It appears that His prayer was not answered and yet it was, for Jesus fulfilled His mission. God did not respond the prayers of Moses, Elijah, Jonah or Job, for their missions were not yet fulfilled. All prayers were and are answered because force was and is given to meet the trials; finally, God's will was and is done in all lives. What we wish does not determine God's will, either we wish the release of death or the pleasures of life. It is God who determines the courses and discourses of our lives.

In our fears and griefs of life, and the seeming unfairness of what others do, we run away just as speedily as Elijah from Jezebel and Jonah from Nineveh and Moses from Egypt. We, too, would like to shed the skin, the lien--the terrible obligation--of our life. We, too, feel that we are no best than our predecessors; in fact, we may be manufacture a huge mess of life. "But I said, 'I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my force in vain and for nothing...'" (Isaiah 49:4). When Keats was dying, he said, "I have written my name on water." Later, Keats' name was written on marble. Christ Himself would be perceived as a total failure on earth--and Christ's name is written on hearts and for eternity.

The good news is that God is there in the whirlwind of tragedy and failure and He's in the still small voice of conscience, too. He knows our frame, that we are made of dust and brittle hearts; He redeems our life and crowns us with His love and compassion. Praise the Lord, O my soul! (Psalm 103).

Some have condemned Elijah for running away from Jezebel and for requesting that God take his life. But there is another side--certainly a more humane view--of what Elijah experienced. Elijah's fire on Carmel became a more polite breeze on Mount Horeb and he learned treasured lessons there, alone and friendless (so he thought) that he could not learn in the heat of the so-called victory over the false prophets of Baal. Even Elijah had to learn that great chapter we all must learn: "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord" (Psalm 27:14).

Sometimes, like Elijah, we have to be put in a cave to get out of a "cave mood," as one author calls it. "There he went into a cave and spent the night" (1 Kings 19:9). Elijah was shut into his littleness so he might understand the largeness that God was about to show him. God was processing Elijah for a greater work. "He [God] brought me into a spacious place" (Psalm 18:19a).

There is a dichotomy here with Elijah: he fled to save his life and then asks that it be taken away. We are all dichotomous leaves waving with the winds of what we realize to be misfortune when it might be the breath of the Lord trying to bring breadth to our life. It was so with Elijah as he swayed with the strong squall of Jezebel's threats. Moses, too, struck for God's cause but not in God's way: "One day [Moses] watched [his own people] at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew...He killed the Egyptian..." (Exodus 2:11,12). God sent Moses into the desert to put in order his heart and body and mind for the more spacious place of saving his people. There are times when we have to be "caved in" to get force and to learn essential lessons so we may be worthy to do God's work within the greater plan which He has for us.

But what about the discouragement and bodily exhaustion we perceive as human beings? Does God authentically understand how frail we are? Yes! When we fail and fall, He lifts us to even greater heights of work for Him. "The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down" (Psalm 145:14). Our Lord's life on earth was spent in putting down the lofty and lifting the lowly. "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first" (Matthew 19:30). If we think we are last in fame and fortune, we need to remind ourselves that it is the meek who God calls His children. And when we are bowed down with infirmities of mind and body, He reaches down to raise us from a living death.

From sinking sand He lifted me,

With tender hand He lifted me;

From shades of night to plains of light,

O praise His name, He lifted me.

(Hymn, He Lifted Me, Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932).

"So he [Jesus] went to her, took her hand and helped her up" (Mark 1:31). He does no less for all his helpless children. But Jesus came and touched them. 'Get up,' he said, 'Don't be afraid'" (Matthew 17:7). "People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them" (Luke 18:15). "For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again" (Proverbs 24:16). Seven times; seventy times seven times; whenever we fall! The incommunicable is in getting up again. What a great relieve this verse is to the discouraged who grope for force and find they do not even have the force to get strength. "Being positive of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). "For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose" (Philippians 2:14). The good man's fall is an event; the bent of the good man's life is goodness. This was so with Elijah. It was so with Peter, too. One look from our Lord and we weep bitterly over our fall from His grace and graciousness (Matthew 26:75).

"The eternal God is your refuge, (not a cave!), and underneath are the everlasting arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27). Underneath our sorrow are arms that lift us to the shore of serenity. "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" (Mark 4:38). He said to their storm as He says to our chaos, "Quiet! Be still!" (v.39). "Then the wind died and it was wholly calm" (v.39b). "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

"I have made you and I will carry you" (Isaiah 46:4). Because He created us, He will carry us! What a supreme notion this is to the brokenhearted. "`For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11). It isn't God's plan for us to be defeated and to run away. He will even carry us to the designated place He has for us, but if we are running in the wrong direction, we will run by ourselves.

"So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" (Hebrews 13:6); "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31); "I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done" (Psalm 118:17). Citizen are often in danger: Joseph in the pit, Moses in the ark of bulrushes, Job on the dunghill, David's narrow escapes from Saul, Paul who was let down in the basket, and Jesus who "hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds" (John 8:59) for His time had not yet come. "But they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus" (Luke 6:11); "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first...But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason'" (John 15:18,25). They hated without reason, only with emotion that is prejudiced. Jezebel hated Elijah because of emotion, and Elijah ran away from this unreasonable woman.

The remarkable message of 1 Kings 19 is that it is God's lowly way of caring for us. Lest we think God is neglecting us, let us remember that He gives provisions and not visions when we are in distress. He uses the coarse means, rest and food: "Then he [Elijah] lay down under the tree and fell asleep ("I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety" Psalm 4:8). "All at once an angel touched him and said, 'Get up and eat'" (1 Kings 19:5). In the depths of despair we are to rest and then, bidden by God Himself, we are to get up and to eat. He asks us to do our part. We must not let the seeming facts of what is happening in our life to eclipse our faith and obscure our foresight of God and so keep us from going to Him as He comes to us.

"The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, 'Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you'" (1 Kings 19:7). Not once but twice he is bidden to arise from his lethargy of body and spirit and eat for force so he might continue on his journey. God does not give up on us! "So [Elijah] got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled..." (1 Kings 19:8). God ready a table in the wilderness for His beloved Elijah who notion he had failed God. What a glorious lesson! authentically He prepares a table for us in our wilderness and provides for us a satisfying Bread of Life. We are to feed on Him that we may have the force to live in and for Him.

"The spirit is willing, but the body is weak" (Mark 14:38b). Christ Jesus could say this to His beloved disciples who slept straight through His lonely hour because He, too, knew rejection and sorrow and hunger and weariness to the ultimate degree. God understands that we are not willfully weak. On the one hand, we have sins of infirmity; on the other, we have infirmities that are not sins: fatigue, natural consequences of growing older, hunger, thirst, environment and heredity. This does not excuse us from overcoming, but it helps to know that God empathizes with us because "He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows" (Isaiah 53:4). "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express" (Romans 8:26).

It is after we are strengthened that He deals with the immediate problem: "What are you doing here, Elijah?" (1 Kings 19:9b); "But the Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?'" (Genesis 3:9); "Then the Lord said to Cain, 'Where is your brother Abel?'" (Genesis 4:9). God asks us, too, why are we where we are and what are we doing with our lives. We are our brothers' and sisters' keepers, and this means being responsible and acting responsibly: both a willing and a doing.

Elijah ran away from his responsibilities. Adam and Eve ran away from accountability for their actions. Elijah's circumstances did not add up to reasons to run away and neither do ours, much as we long to do so at times. "I can do everything straight through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).

Only God knows our quiet and pervasive influence in the lives of those with whom we endure, and that is what it is at times in our lives. If we are not where God wants us to be, then God calls us by name and lets us know straight through that still, small and productive voice of conscience: silent because no sound is audible ("He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets" Isaiah 42:2); small because it is simple and not portentous; productive because it is God who speaks: it is the Divine Whisper of Mind to mind.

"Why are you here and not at your post of duty?" Why are we elsewhere? "Why do you go about so much, changing your ways?" (Jeremiah 2:36). God wants us to stay at the post of purpose and service. We may have to tie ourselves to it when the storm and earthquake come, but how good if we can say with Paul at life's end, "I have fought the good fight, I have closed the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). If the post crushes our heart and we feel at times that man has driven a stake into it, then let us remember that God chooses not to work in the earthquake but in our heartbreak, and we may take heart--and His heart--in this thought.

"The Lord said, 'Go out and stand on the mountain in the nearnessy of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by'" (1 Kings 19:11a). After we are refreshed and have force sufficient to get up, then we must go up: ascend the mountain to holiness of thought. God cannot feed a mind that is supine. There is a meeting of minds on the mountain. This is where we hear the Divine Whisper. The mountain is a spiritual retreat and this is where God sent Elijah and where He sends us. "Leave your cave of despondency, and come up to Me so I can give you a new song and a new trust--and a new thrust!" He says, "Come up to Me that I may give you rest of mind...but you must have the will to meet My will. As long as you make no effort, then I cannot make it for you."

How ironic that two men who requested death did not die but were translated! How fortunate for us that God does not respond every prayer! We ask amiss. If we ask contrary to God's will and for our ease of responsibility, then He in wisdom does not grant our request. But He will respond according to what is ultimately best for us.

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French lesson: Counting from 1 to 100 in French

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Bhop Monster Jam (Full)

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Anand Aur Anand

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Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two

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Jocelyn Brown - Somebody Else's Guy [Bass Cover]

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Photoshop Lesson : How Layers Work

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How is Photoshop Lesson : How Layers Work

Photoshop Lesson : How Layers Work Tube. Duration : 5.30 Mins.

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Life Shines (The 30A Song) by Bryan Kennedy

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